Sudan Farmers Coop
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Ag Commentary
(Free WeatherWealth Issue) - La Niña or La Nada: From soybeans to sugar, and how commodity futures may be impacted(ZSH25) (ZCH25) (KCH25) (SBH25) (CCH25) (SOYB) (CORN) (CANE) (KEN25) (ZWN25) (WEAT) (FREE WeatherWealth Issue) - “La Niña or La Nada: From soybeans to sugar, and how commodity futures may be impacted” by Jim Roemer - Meteorologist - Commodity Trading Advisor - Principal, Best Weather. Inc. & Climate Predict - Publisher, Weather Wealth Newsletter
Request this free issue of WeatherWealth below: Download the complimentary WeatherWealth issue here: https://www.bestweatherinc.com/weather-wealth-sample/ (Above are the topics we addressed) Several times a year, we offer farmers and commodity traders on six continents a free issue of WeatherWealth: The only global commodity weather newsletter that focuses strictly on weather with specific trading ideas in commodity options, futures, and ETFs. Some of our best calls over the last two years were predicting mostly big global crops for grains and the resulting bear markets. The stronger dollar and worries over demand from China have also impacted prices adversely. La Niña did not form last summer, as I predicted it wouldn’t. This helped set the stage for a record corn and soybean crop. But, what about now? Will a La Nada or La Niña be present when we move into 2025? Could a bull market in grains eventually form? The biggest bull weather markets over the last 2 years have been in cocoa and coffee brought on by Climate Change, deforestation, and a previous El Niño. In the last three winters, a trader could have sold natural gas in December and potentially make at least 20-35% on his/her money by March. Almost every winter of the last 5 years has been warmer than normal. What about now? Our latest newsletter discusses the following:
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